Surface Area of regions on an ellipsoid Earth


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Calculating the area of arbitrary regions on the Earth approximated as an ellipsoid. I needed this for conversion between the output of different models.

It’s calculated in Emacs Lisp, which showed me that for somewhat complex mathematical tasks Lisp syntax isn’t only unproblematic, but actually helps avoiding mistakes. And full unicode support is great for implementing algorithms with ω, λ and φ.


1 Intro

For converting between fluxes and emissions I need the area of arbitrary regions made up of longitude×latitude pixels - specifically the transcom regions.

But the earth is no exact sphere, but rather an oblate spheroid. I need to estimate how exact I have to calculate to keep the representation errors of the regions insignificant compared to the uncertainties of the fluxes I work with.

2 Theory

„Dadurch nimmt der Meeresspiegel genähert die Form eines Rotationsellipsoids an, dessen Halbachsen (Radien) sich um 21,38 km unterscheiden (a = 6378,139 ± 0,003 km ⁽¹⁾, bzw. b = 6356,752 km)“

\begin{equation} f = \frac{a-b}{a} = 1:298.25642 \pm 0.00001 \end{equation}

IERS Conventions (2003).

2.1 Estimating Errors due to spherical approximation

To estimate the errors, just calculate the area of a few samples with different latitude and compare them.


  • lat 0°
  • lat 10°
  • lat 30°
  • lat 60°
  • lat 85°


  • 0.1°

2.1.1 Spherical

The simplest case for the latitude-longitude rectangle with latitude theta, longitude phi and earth radius \( R \) looks in linear approximation like this:


Using a cylindrical equal area rectangle projection (Lambert) we can calculate the area of a given latitude-longitude square as follows:

With θ as longitude, φ as latitude and \( R \) as radius of the earth sphere.

For a 1°×1° square, that equals

(defun spherecutarea (latdeg sidelength deglen)
  "Calculate the area of a cut in a sphere at the latitude LATDEG
with the given SIDELENGTH and the length of one degree at the
Equator DEGLEN."
  (* deglen sidelength ; longitude 
     deglen sidelength (cos (* 2 float-pi (/ latdeg 360.0))))) ; latitude

(defun spherearea (latdeg sidelength)
  "Area of a segment of a sphere at LATDEG with the given
  (let* ((R 6371.0) ; km
         (deglen (/ (* 2 float-pi R) 360.0))) ; km^2
    (spherecutarea latdeg sidelength deglen)))
Table 1: Area of lat-lon “square” with the given sidelength as degree in \(km^2\)
latitude ↓ 0.1 1 4
0 123.64 12364.31 197828.99
10 121.76 12176.47 194823.52
30 107.08 10707.81 171324.93
60 61.82 6182.16 98914.49
85 10.78 1077.62 17241.93
(defun spheresegmentarea (latdeg sidelength)
  "Calculate the area of a rectangular segment on a sphere at
latitude LATDEG with the given SIDELENGTH."
  (* 24728.6234228 sidelength sidelength 
     (cos (* float-pi (/ latdeg 180.0)))))

2.2 Simple ellipsoid integral (scrapped)

Instead of the very simple spherical compression, we can use integration over the area of an oblated spheroid, or more exactly: an ellipsoid of revolution.

An oblated spheroid has one short axis and two long axi. For the earth, the short axis is the polar radius \( b = 6356,752 km \) while the long axi have the length of the equatorial radius \( a = a = 6378,139 ± 0,003 km \).

Thus the linear approximation of an area on the spheroid looks like this:


Let’s scrap that. I’m drowning in not-so-simple ideas, so I’d rather take a pre-generated formula, even if it means cutting leafs with a chainsaw. Let’s go to an astronomy book: Astronomische Algorithmen by Jean Meeus has a formula for distances on an ellipsoid.

2.3 Square approximation with ellipsoid sidelength calculation

Taking the algorithm from Astronomische Algorithmen rev. 2 by Jean Meeus. I want to know how big the errors are when I just take a circle. So let’s implement a fitting algorithm.

The following algorithm gives us the distance between two points.

\begin{equation} F = \frac{\phi_1 + \phi_2}{2}, G = \frac{\phi_1 - \phi_2}{2}, \lambda = \frac{L_1 - L_2}{2} \end{equation} \begin{equation} S = sin^2 G ~ cos^2 G + cos^2 F ~ sin^2 \lambda \end{equation} \begin{equation} C = cos^2 G ~ cos^2 G + sin^2 F ~ sin^2 \lambda \end{equation} \begin{equation} tan \omega = \sqrt{\frac{S}{C}} \end{equation} \begin{equation} R = \frac{\sqrt{SC}}{\omega} , ~ omega ~ in ~ radians \end{equation} \begin{equation} D = 2 \omega a \end{equation} \begin{equation} H_1 = \frac{3R - 1}{2C}, H_2 = \frac{3R + 2}{2S} \end{equation} \begin{equation} s = D(1 + fH_1 ~ sin^2 F ~ cos^2 G - fH_2 ~ cos^2 F ~ sin^2 G) \end{equation}

We can now use the distance \( s \) between the 4 corners of a pseudo-rectangular area on the ellipsoid to approximate the area of the pseudo-square they delimit.

\begin{equation} A = \frac{s_{bottomright - bottomleft} + s_{topright - topleft}}{2} \cdot s_{topleft - bottomleft} \end{equation}


But by doing so we treat the non-linear problem as linear. To minimize the error, we can split an area into many smaller areas and sum up their areas (numerical approximation).

In following we will use the direct algorithm as well as the numerical approximation.

2.3.1 Code

(defmacro turntofloatsingle (var)
  (list 'setq var (list 'float var)))

(defmacro turntofloat (&rest vars)
  "Turn a list of items to floats."
  (cons 'progn (mapcar 
                (lambda (var) 
                  (list 'turntofloatsingle var))
(defun ellipsoiddistance (a f L1 L2 φ1 φ2)
  "Calculate the distance of two arbitrary points on an ellipsoid.

  Parameters: Equator radius A, oblateness F and for point 1 and
  2 respectively the longitudes L1 and L2 and the latitudes φ1
  and φ2."
  ; ensure that we work on floats
  (turntofloat a f φ1 φ2 L1 L2)
  ; the first simplifications don’t depend on each other, 
  ; so we just use let to bind them
  (let ((F (/ (+ φ1 φ2) 2))
        (G (/ (- φ1 φ2) 2))
        (λ (/ (- L1 L2) 2)))
    (message (format "F %f G %f λ %f a %f f %f L1 %f L2 %f φ1 %f φ2 %f" 
                     F G λ a f L1 L2 φ1 φ2))
    ; the second don’t depend on each other either
    (let ((S (+ (* (expt (sin G) 2)
                   (expt (cos λ) 2))
                (* (expt (cos F) 2)
                   (expt (sin λ) 2))))
          (C (+ (* (expt (cos G) 2)
                   (expt (cos λ) 2))        
                (* (expt (sin F) 2)
                   (expt (sin λ) 2)))))
      ; now we have a few consecutive definitions, so we use let*
      ; which allows references to previous elements in the same let*.
      (let* ((ω (atan (sqrt (/ S C))))
             (R (/    (sqrt (* S C)) ω)))
        (let ((D (* 2 ω a))
              (H1 (/ (- (* 3 R)) (* 2 C)))
              (H2 (/ (+ (* 3 R)) (* 2 C))))
          ; All prepared. Now we just fit all this together. This is
          ; the last line, so the function returns the value.
          (* D (- 
                (+ 1 (* f H1 (expt (sin F) 2) (expt (cos G) 2)))
                (* f H2 (expt (cos F) 2) (expt (sin G) 2)))))))))
(defun ellipsoidrectanglearea (a f longitude latitude dlon dlat)
  (let ((L1 longitude)
        (L2 (+ longitude dlon))
        (φ1 latitude)
        (φ2 (+ latitude dlat)))
    (let ((lenlower (ellipsoiddistance a f L1 L2 φ1 φ1))
          (lenupper (ellipsoiddistance a f L1 L2 φ2 φ2))
          (lenwestern (ellipsoiddistance a f L1 L1 φ1 φ2))
          (leneastern (ellipsoiddistance a f L2 L2 φ1 φ2)))
      (if (not (= lenwestern leneastern))
          (error "Western and Eastern length are not equal. 
This violates the laws of geometry. We die. Western: %f Eastern: %f" 
                 lenwestern leneastern))
      (let ((horizontalmean (/ (+ lenlower lenupper) 2)))
        ; now just return length times width
        (* horizontalmean lenwestern)))))

(defun ellipsoidrectangleareafromdeg (latdeg sidelength)
  "Calculate the rectangle area from the latitude LATDEG and the
SIDELENGTH given as degrees."
  (message (format "latdeg %f sidelength %f" latdeg sidelength))
  (let ((londeg 15) ; irrelevant due to symmetry
        (dlondeg sidelength)
        (dlatdeg sidelength)
        (a 6378.139)
        (f (/ 1 298.25642)))
    (let ((lon (* 2 float-pi (/ londeg 360.0))) ; 2π / 360
          (dlon (* 2 float-pi (/ dlondeg 360.0)))
          (lat (* 2 float-pi (/ latdeg 360.0))) 
          (dlat (* 2 float-pi (/ dlatdeg 360.0))))
      (ellipsoidrectanglearea a f lon lat dlon dlat))))

(defun ellipsoidrectangleareafromdegnumericalintegration (latdeg sidelength steps)
  "Calculate the rectangle area from the latidute LATDEG and the
  SIDELENGTH given as degrees by adding them in STEPS smaller steps per sidelength."
  (let ((area 0)
        (smallerside (/ (float sidelength)
                        (float steps))))
    (loop for i from 0 to (1- steps) by 1 do
          (message (format "i %f" i))
          (let ((smallerlat (+ latdeg (* smallerside i))))
            ; add stepts times the area since the longitudinal
            ; calculation does not change, so we only need to
            ; calculate in once.
            (setq area (+ area (* steps 
                                   smallerlat smallerside))))))

; no return value

2.3.2 Results for direct calculation

Table 2: Area of lat-lon “square” with the given sidelength in \(km^2\), direct
latitude ↓ 0.1 1 4
0 123.9203 12391.0741 198026.1548
10 121.9815 12179.9838 193733.6082
20 116.2724 11592.4962 183457.2705
30 106.9937 10649.2503 167557.9088
40 94.4643 9382.6379 146580.1726
45 87.1079 8640.9234 134399.3469
50 79.1019 7834.8158 121219.4843
60 61.4002 6055.4408 92285.3707
70 41.9067 4099.4608 60666.5036
80 21.2036 2025.2137 27301.2374
85 10.5861 962.5255 10264.8590
90 0.1071 107.0494 6844.8700

2.3.3 Results for summing up smaller squares.

  1. 100 squares per area (10 latitude steps)
    Table 3: Area of lat-lon “square” with the given sidelength in \(km^2\) sum 10
    latitude ↓ 0.1 1 4
    0 123.9203 12391.3918 198107.5151
    10 121.9815 12180.3007 193814.7025
    20 116.2724 11592.8099 183537.3359
    30 106.9937 10649.5549 167635.3476
    40 94.4643 9382.9239 146652.3820
    45 87.1079 8641.1954 134467.6868
    50 79.1019 7835.0702 121283.0172
    60 61.4002 6055.6486 92336.3892
    70 41.9067 4099.6076 60701.4093
    80 21.2036 2025.2881 27317.3197
    85 10.5862 962.5611 10270.9364
    90 0.1071 107.0533 6848.9244
  2. 10000 squares per area (100 latitude steps)
    Table 4: Area of lat-lon “square” with the given sidelength in \(km^2\) sum 100
    latitude ↓ 0.1 1 4
    0 123.9203 12391.3950 198108.3283
    10 121.9815 12180.3039 193815.5131
    20 116.2724 11592.8130 183538.1364
    30 106.9937 10649.5580 167636.1220
    40 94.4643 9382.9268 146653.1043
    45 87.1079 8641.1981 134468.3705
    50 79.1019 7835.0727 121283.6529
    60 61.4002 6055.6507 92336.8997
    70 41.9067 4099.6090 60701.7587
    80 21.2036 2025.2888 27317.4807
    85 10.5862 962.5615 10270.9973
    90 0.1071 107.0534 6848.9650
  3. 1000000 squares per area (1000 latitude steps)
    Table 5: Area of lat-lon “square” with the given sidelength in \(km^2\) sum 1000
    latitude ↓ 0.1 1 4
    0 123.9203 12391.3950 198108.3365
    10 121.9815 12180.3039 193815.5213
    20 116.2724 11592.8130 183538.1444
    30 106.9937 10649.5580 167636.1297
    40 94.4643 9382.9268 146653.1115
    45 87.1079 8641.1982 134468.3773
    50 79.1019 7835.0728 121283.6592
    60 61.4002 6055.6507 92336.9048
    70 41.9067 4099.6090 60701.7621
    80 21.2036 2025.2888 27317.4823
    85 10.5862 962.5615 10270.9979
    90 0.1071 107.0534 6848.9654
  4. 10 steps vs 1 step, relative
    Table 6: Area of lat-lon “square” with the given sidelength in \(km^2\) 10 vs. 1
    latitude ↓ 0.1 1 4
    0 0.0000% 0.0026% 0.0411%
    10 0.0000% 0.0026% 0.0419%
    20 0.0000% 0.0027% 0.0436%
    30 0.0000% 0.0029% 0.0462%
    40 0.0000% 0.0030% 0.0493%
    45 0.0000% 0.0031% 0.0508%
    50 0.0000% 0.0032% 0.0524%
    60 0.0000% 0.0034% 0.0553%
    70 0.0000% 0.0036% 0.0575%
    80 0.0000% 0.0037% 0.0589%
    85 0.0000% 0.0037% 0.0592%
    90 0.0000% 0.0037% 0.0592%
  5. 100 steps vs 10 steps, relative
    Table 7: Area of lat-lon “square” with the given sidelength in \(km^2\) 100 vs. 10
    latitude ↓ 0.1 1 4
    0 0.000000% 0.000026% 0.000410%
    10 0.000000% 0.000026% 0.000418%
    20 0.000000% 0.000027% 0.000436%
    30 0.000000% 0.000029% 0.000462%
    40 0.000000% 0.000030% 0.000493%
    45 0.000000% 0.000031% 0.000508%
    50 0.000000% 0.000032% 0.000524%
    60 0.000000% 0.000034% 0.000553%
    70 0.000000% 0.000036% 0.000576%
    80 0.000000% 0.000037% 0.000589%
    85 0.000000% 0.000037% 0.000592%
    90 0.000000% 0.000037% 0.000593%
  6. 1000 steps vs 100 steps, relative
    Table 8: Area of lat-lon “square” with the given sidelength in \(km^2\) 1000 vs 100
    latitude ↓ 0.1 1 4
    0 0.000000% 0.000000% 0.000004%
    10 0.000000% 0.000000% 0.000004%
    20 0.000000% 0.000000% 0.000004%
    30 0.000000% 0.000000% 0.000005%
    40 0.000000% 0.000000% 0.000005%
    45 0.000000% 0.000000% 0.000005%
    50 0.000000% 0.000000% 0.000005%
    60 0.000000% 0.000000% 0.000006%
    70 0.000000% 0.000000% 0.000006%
    80 0.000000% 0.000000% 0.000006%
    85 0.000000% 0.000000% 0.000006%
    90 0.000000% 0.000000% 0.000006%

3 Implementation

This is almost done in the theory. Only thing left to do: Use the algorithm to generate a list of areas per 1° latitude and pass that to a python script which writes it into a netCDF4 file for later usage.

I need a python snippet which takes a list of values from lat 0° to lat 90° as input and turns it into a 360°×180° map.

Or I could just write the data from the elisp code to a file and read that.

3.1 Write data files

(with-temp-file "transcomellipticlat90-sum1000.dat" 
  ; switch to the opened file
  (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
  (loop for lat from 0 to 90 do
        (insert (concat (number-to-string lat) " "))
        (insert (number-to-string 
                 (ellipsoidrectangleareafromdegnumericalintegration lat 1 1000)))
        (insert "\n")))
; dang, this is beautiful!
(with-temp-file "transcomellipticlat90-direct.dat" 
  ; switch to the opened file
  (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
  (loop for lat from 0 to 90 do
        (insert (concat (number-to-string lat) " "))
        (insert (number-to-string 
                 (ellipsoidrectangleareafromdegnumericalintegration lat 1 1)))
        (insert "\n")))
(with-temp-file "transcomellipticlat90-sum1000vsdirect.dat" 
  ; switch to the opened file
  (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
  (loop for lat from 0 to 90 do
        (insert (concat (number-to-string lat) " "))
        (insert (number-to-string 
                 (- (ellipsoidrectangleareafromdegnumericalintegration lat 1 1000) 
                    (ellipsoidrectangleareafromdegnumericalintegration lat 1 1))))
        (insert "\n")))
(with-temp-file "transcomellipticlat90-sum1000vssphere.dat" 
  ; switch to the opened file
  (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
  (loop for lat from 0 to 90 do
        (insert (concat (number-to-string lat) " "))
        (insert (number-to-string 
                 (- (ellipsoidrectangleareafromdegnumericalintegration lat 1 1000) 
                    (spherearea lat 1))))
        (insert "\n")))
(with-temp-file "transcomellipticlat90-sphere.dat" 
  ; switch to the opened file
  (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
  (loop for lat from 0 to 90 do
        (insert (concat (number-to-string lat) " "))
        (insert (number-to-string (spherearea lat 1)))
        (insert "\n")))
(with-temp-file "transcomellipticlat90-sum1000vssphere.dat" 
  ; switch to the opened file
  (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
  (loop for lat from 0 to 90 do
        (insert (concat (number-to-string lat) " "))
        (insert (number-to-string (- (ellipsoidrectangleareafromdegnumericalintegration lat 1 1000) (spheresegmentarea lat 1))))
        (insert "\n")))

3.2 Write datafiles to netcdf and plot them

Now just readout that file as csv

3.2.1 First define the plotstyle

The following codeblock can be summoned into other code via

# add map lines

3.2.2 Now read datafiles

import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import mpl_toolkits.basemap as bm
import netCDF4 as nc
def singlehemispherelats2map(northernlats):
    """Turn the northern lats (0-90) into a map (180,360)."""
    # duplicate the northernlats
    lats = np.zeros((180, ))
    lats[0:90] = northernlats[:0:-1,1]
    lats[90:] = northernlats[1:,1]
    # and blow them up into a map
    lons = np.ones((360, ))
    lats = np.matrix(lats)
    lons = np.matrix(lons)
    mapscaling = lons.transpose() * lats
    mapscaling = mapscaling.transpose()
    return mapscaling

# first read the file
with open("transcomellipticlat90-sum1000.dat") as f:
    northernlats = np.genfromtxt(f, delimiter=" ")
mapscaling = singlehemispherelats2map(northernlats)  
with open("transcomellipticlat90-sum1000vsdirect.dat") as f:
    northernlats = np.genfromtxt(f, delimiter=" ")
mapscalingdiff = singlehemispherelats2map(northernlats)
with open("transcomellipticlat90-direct.dat") as f:
    northernlats = np.genfromtxt(f, delimiter=" ")
mapscalingdirect = singlehemispherelats2map(northernlats)
with open("transcomellipticlat90-sphere.dat") as f:
    northernlats = np.genfromtxt(f, delimiter=" ")
mapscalingsphere = singlehemispherelats2map(northernlats)
with open("transcomellipticlat90-sum1000vssphere.dat") as f:
    northernlats = np.genfromtxt(f, delimiter=" ")
mapscalingdiffsphere = singlehemispherelats2map(northernlats)

3.2.3 and plot them

# several different plots:
# plot it for representation
m = bm.Basemap()
bar = pl.colorbar()
bar.set_label("area per pixel [$km^2$]")
pl.title("Surface Area 1x1 [$km^2$]")
print """\n\n#+caption:Area when summing 1000x1000 smaller areas
m = bm.Basemap()
bar = pl.colorbar()
bar.set_label("area per pixel [$km^2$]")
# summon map style! :)
pl.title("Surface Area 1x1, no numerical integration [$km^2$]")
print "\n\n#+caption:Area when using just one square\n[[./earthareadirect_1x1.png]]"
m = bm.Basemap()
bar = pl.colorbar()
bar.set_label("area per pixel [$km^2$]")
pl.title("Surface Area 1x1 difference: sum 1000 vs direct [$km^2$]")
pl.savefig("eartharea1000vs1_1x1.png")  # save as a clean netCDF4 file
print "\n\n#+caption:Difference between summing smaller squares", 
print "and just using one square\n[[./eartharea1000vs1_1x1.png]]"
m = bm.Basemap()
bar = pl.colorbar()
bar.set_label("relative error per pixel, logarithmic")
pl.title("Surface Area 1x1 diff relative: sum 1000 vs direct")
pl.savefig("eartharea1000vs1rel_1x1.png")  # save as a clean netCDF4 file
print """\n\n#+caption:Relative Area Error by not integrating (logscale)
m = bm.Basemap()
bar = pl.colorbar()
bar.set_label("relative error per pixel, logarithmic")
pl.title("Surface Area 1x1 diff relative: sum 1000 vs sphere")
print """\n\n#+caption:Relative Error from Sphere (logscale)

3.2.4 Write the data

D = nc.Dataset("", "w")
D.comment = "Created with tm5tools/ct2pyshell/"
D.createDimension("longitude", 360)
D.createDimension("latitude", 180)
area = D.createVariable("1x1", "f8", ("latitude", "longitude"))
area.units = "km^2"
area.comment = "from 180W to 180E and from 90S to 90N"
area[:] = mapscaling
area = D.createVariable("1x1_1000vs1", "f8", ("latitude", "longitude"))
area.units = "km^2"
area.comment = ("Difference between the direct calculation of the "
"area and summing up 1000x1000 smaller areas."
"from 180W to 180E and from 90S to 90N")
area[:] = mapscalingdiff
area = D.createVariable("1x1_direct", "f8", ("latitude", "longitude"))
area.units = "km^2"
area.comment = ("Area calculated without numerical intergration (bigger errors!). "
"from 180W to 180E and from 90S to 90N")
area[:] = mapscalingdirect
area = D.createVariable("1x1_sphere", "f8", ("latitude", "longitude"))
area.units = "km^2"
area.comment = ("Area calculated on a simple sphere. "
"from 180W to 180E and from 90S to 90N")
area[:] = mapscalingsphere






4 Validation

4.1 Surface Area of the Earth

Should be around 510 million km²

(let ((s 0))
  (loop for lat from 0 to 90 do
        (setq s (+ s (spherearea lat 1))))
  (/ (* 2 360 s) 1.0e6)) ; million kilometers
(let ((s 0))
  (loop for lat from 0 to 90 do
        (setq s (+ s (ellipsoidrectangleareafromdegnumericalintegration lat 1 1))))
  (/ (* 2 360 s) 1.0e6)) ; million kilometers
(let ((s 0))
  (loop for lat from 0 to 90 do
        (setq s (+ s (ellipsoidrectangleareafromdegnumericalintegration lat 1 10))))
  (/ (* 2 360 s) 1.0e6)) ; million kilometers
(let ((s 0))
  (loop for lat from 0 to 90 do
        (setq s (+ s (ellipsoidrectangleareafromdegnumericalintegration lat 1 1000))))
  (/ (* 2 360 s) 1.0e6)) ; million kilometers

4.2 Area of Australia + New Zealand (Transcom Region 10)

Should be around 7,692,024 km² + 269,652 km² = 7,961,676 km²

import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl

D = nc.Dataset("")
area = D.variables["1x1"][:]
T = nc.Dataset("../plotting/transcom_regions_ct/")
transcom = T.variables["transcom_regions"][:]
mask = transcom[::-1,:] == 10
bar = pl.colorbar()
bar.set_label("area per pixel [$km^2$]")
pl.title("Area of Australia and New Zealand in [$km^2$] per pixel")
return np.sum(mask*area)


Figure 1: Area of Australia and New Zealand

5 Summary

The area of 1x1 degree pixels on a worldmap in ellipsoid approximation is available in the file in the variable “1x1”. Visualized it looks like this:


Figure 2: Surface Area of the Earth in \(km^2\)

To calculate the emissions from mol/m², just multiply each gridpoint with 106 m²/km² and the gridpoint in the variable:

import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import mpl_toolkits.basemap as bm
import netCDF4 as nc
D = nc.Dataset("")
area = D.variables["1x1"][:]
flux = np.ones((180, 360)) * np.random.normal(0.0, 1.e-6, (180, 360))
emiss = flux*area
m = bm.Basemap()
bar = pl.colorbar()
bar.set_label("emissions [mol/s]")
pl.title("random flux $0 \pm 1.e-6 \\frac{mol}{m^{2}s}$ turned to random emissions")
filename = "randomemissions.png"
print "#+caption: Random emissions in simple lat/lon plot."
print "[[./" +  filename + "]]"
# plot again, with hobo-dyer projection (equal-area)
m = plotmap(emiss)
bar = pl.colorbar()
bar.set_label("emissions [mol/s]")
pl.title("random emissions in hobo-dyer projection")
filename = "randomemissionshobo-dyer.png"

print """\n\n#+caption: Random Emissions in Hobo Dyer Projection
[[./""" +  filename + "]]"


Figure 3: Random emissions in simple lat/lon plot.


Figure 4: Random Emissions in Hobo Dyer Projection

def plotmap(array):
    """Plot an array as map."""
    m = bm.Basemap(projection='cea', lat_ts=37.5)
    ny, nx = array.shape[:2]
    lons, lats = pl.meshgrid(range(-nx/2, nx/2 + nx%2),
                             range(-ny/2, ny/2 + ny%2))
    x, y = m(lons, lats)
    arr = array.copy()
    for i in arr.shape[2:]:
        arr = arr[:,:,0]
    m.pcolormesh(x, y, arr)
    return m

5.1 Landarea

Estimating the land area for a given lat-lon region (this requires a land/sea map in the file, i.e. from TM5-4DVar, see

import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import mpl_toolkits.basemap as bm

def landarea(lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1):
    """Calculate the land area in the rectangle defined by the

    :param lat0: latitude in degree. Southern Hemisphere negative.
    :param lon0: longitude in degree. East negative.

    :returns: landarea within the rectangle in km^2

    >>> samarea = 17.840 * 1000000 # km^2
    >>> ae = landarea(15, -90, -60, -30)
    >>> 0.99 * samarea < ae < 1.01 * samarea
    lat0idx = int(lat0 + 90)
    lat1idx = int(lat1 + 90)
    if lat0idx > lat1idx:
        tmp = lat1idx
        lat1idx = lat0idx
        lat0idx = tmp
    lon0idx = int(lon0 + 180)
    lon1idx = int(lon1 + 180)
    if lon0idx > lon1idx:
        tmp = lon1idx
        lon1idx = lon0idx
        lon0idx = tmp
    D = nc.Dataset("")
    T = nc.Dataset("")
    area = D.variables["1x1"][:]
    landfraction05x05 = T.variables["LSMASK"][:]
    landfraction1x1 = np.zeros((180,360)) # latxlon
    for i in range(landfraction1x1.shape[0]):
        for j in range(landfraction1x1.shape[1]):
            landfraction1x1[i,j] = np.mean(landfraction05x05[i*2:i*2+2,:][:,j*2:j*2+2])
    landarea = area * landfraction1x1
    # m = plotmap(landfraction1x1)
    # m = plotmap(landarea)
    return np.sum(landarea[lat0idx:lat1idx+1,:][:,lon0idx:lon1idx])

if True or __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest

6 Notes

6.1 Understanding the macro to turn variables to float

Most of the code snippets here are thanks to ggole in #emacs on (What is IRC?).

6.1.1 Single variable

(defmacro turntofloatsingle (var)
  (list 'setq var (list 'float var)))

6.1.2 Backtick notation

(defmacro turntofloatbackticks (&rest vars)
  "Turn a list of items to floats using backtick notation."
  `(progn ,@(mapcar 
             (lambda (var) 
               `(turntofloatsingle ,var)) 

6.1.3 Use Mapcar

(defmacro turntofloat (&rest vars)
  "Turn a list of items to floats (without using backticks)."
  ; cons turns this into a call of progn on the list returned by
  ; mapcar
  (cons 'progn (mapcar 
                (lambda (var) 
                  (list 'turntofloatsingle var))

6.1.4 Common Lisp collect

(defmacro turntofloatcollect (&rest vars)
  "Turn a list of items to floats, using the collect directive of loop."
  ; execute progn on the list returned by the loop
  (cons 'progn 
        ; loop ... collect returns a list of all the loop results.
        (loop for var in vars collect 
              (list 'turntofloatsingle var))))

6.1.5 Explicit List Building


; build the list explicitely to make it easier for me to understand
; what the macro does
(defmacro turntofloatexplicit (&rest vars)
  "Turn a list of items to floats (using explicit list building
instead of mapcar)."
  ; prepare an empty list of function calls
  (let ((funclist '()))
    ; for each variable add a call to the single-item macro
    (loop for var in vars do
          ; (list 'turntofloatsingle var) creates the call to
          ; turntofloatsingle with the variable which is referenced by
          ; var. Push puts that at the beginning of the funclist.
          (push (list 'turntofloatsingle var) funclist))
    ; to ensure the right order of operations, we reverse the funclist
    (setq funclist (reverse funclist))
    ; cons turns this into a call of progn on the list. We need progn,
    ; because the funclist contains multiple function calls.
    (cons 'progn funclist)))

6.1.6 Mapcar and Callf

; Common Lisp Macro to turn the place to a float in one step.
(defmacro turntofloatinline (&rest places)
  "Turn a list of items to floats using an inline function call."
  `(progn ,@(mapcar 
             (lambda (place) 
               `(callf float ,place)) places)))

6.1.7 Test the results

(setq a 1 b 3.8 c 2)
(turntofloatcollect a b c)
(message (number-to-string c))
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