Freenet Communication Primitives: Part 1, Files and Sites

Basic building blocks for communication in Freenet.

This is a guide to using Freenet as backend for communication solutions - suitable for anything from filesharing over chat up to decentrally hosted game content like level-data. It uses the Python interface to Freenet for its examples.

TheTim from Tim Moore, licensed under cc by
from Tim Moore,
License: cc by.

This guide consists of several installments: Part 1 (this text) is about exchanging data, Part 2 is about confidential communication and finding people and services without drowning in spam and Part 3 ties it all together by harnessing existing plugins which already include all the hard work which distinguishes a quick hack from a real-world system. Happy Hacking and welcome to Freenet, the forgotten cypherpunk paradise where no one can watch you read!

1 Introduction

The immutable datastore in Freenet provides the basic structures for implementing distributed, pseudonymous, spam-resistant communication protocols. But until now there was no practically usable documentation how to use them. Every new developer had to find out about them by asking, speculating and second guessing the friendly source (also known as SGTFS).

We will implement the answers using pyFreenet. Get it from

We will not go into special cases. For these have a look at the API-documentation of fcp.node.FCPNode().

1.1 Install pyFreenet

To follow the code examples in this article, install Python 2 with setuptools and then run

easy_install --user --egg pyFreenet==0.4.0

2 Sharing a File: The CHK (content hash key)

The first and simplest task is sharing a file. You all know how this works in torrents and file hosters: You generate a link and give that link to someone else.

To create that link, you have to know the exact content of the file beforehand.

import fcp
n = fcp.node.FCPNode()
key = n.put(data="Hello Friend!")
print key

Just share this key, and others can retrieve it. Use as prefix, and they can even click it - if they run Freenet on their local computer or have an SSH forward for port 8888.

The code above only returns once the file finished uploading. The Freenet Client Protocol (that’s what fcp stands for) however is asynchronous. When you pass async=True to n.put() or n.get(), you get a job object which gives you the result via job.wait().

To generate the key without actually uploading the file, use chkonly=True as argument to n.put().

Let’s test retrieving a file:

import fcp
n = fcp.node.FCPNode()
key = n.put(data="Hello Friend!")
mime, data, meta = n.get(key)
print data

This code anonymously uploads an invisible file into Freenet which can only be retrieved with the right key. Then it downloads the file from Freenet using the key and shows the data.

That the put and the get request happen from the same node is a mere implementation detail: They could be fired by total strangers on different sides of the globe and would still work the same. Even the performance would be similar.

Note: fcp.node.FCPNode() opens a connection to the Freenet node. You can have multiple of these connections at the same time, all tracking their own requests without interfering with each other. Just remember to call n.shutdown() on each of them to avoid getting ugly backtraces.

So that’s it. We can upload and download files, completely decentrally, anonymously and confidentially.

There’s just one caveat: We have to exchange the key. And to generate that key, we have to know the content of the file.

Let’s fix that.

3 Public/Private key publishing: The SSK (signed subspace key)

Our goal is to create a key where we can upload a file in the future. We can generate this key and tell someone else: Watch this space.

So we will generate a key, start to download from the key and insert the file to the key afterwards.

import fcp
n = fcp.node.FCPNode()
# we generate a key with the additional filename hello.
public, private = n.genkey(name="hello")
job = n.get(public, async=True)
n.put(uri=private, data="Hello Friend!")
mime, data, meta = job.wait()
print data

These 8 lines of code create a key which you could give to a friend. Your friend will start the download and when you get hold of that secret hello-file, you upload it and your friend gets it.

Hint: If you want to test whether the key you give is actually used, you can check the result of n.put(). It returns the key with which the data can be retrieved.

Using the .txt suffix makes Freenet use the mimetype text/plain. Without extension it will use application/octet-stream.

If you start downloading before you upload as we do here, you can trigger a delay of about half an hour due to overload protections (the mechanism is called “recently failed”).

Note that you can only write to a given key-filename combination once. If you try to write to it again, you’ll get conflicts – your second upload will in most cases just not work. You might recognize this from immutable datastructures (without the conflict stuff). Freenet is the immutable, distributed, public/private key database you’ve been phantasizing about when you had a few glasses too many during that long night. So best polish your functional programming skills. You’re going to use them on the level of practical communication.

3.1 short roundtrip time (speed hacks)

A SSK is a special type of key, and similar to inodes in a filesystem it can carry data. But if used in the default way, it will forward to a CHK: The file is salted and then inserted to a CHK which depends on the content and then some, ensuring that the key cannot be predicted from the data (this helps avoid some attacks against your anonymity).

When we want a fast round trip time, we can cut that. The condition is that your data plus filename is less than 1KiB after compression, the amount of data a SSK can hold. And we have to get rid of the metadata. And that means: With pyFreenet use the application/octet-stream mime type, because that’s the default one, so it is left out on upload. If you use raw access to FCP, omit Metadata.ContentType or set it to "". And insert single files (we did not yet cover uploading folders: You can do that, but they will forward to a CHK).

import fcp
n = fcp.node.FCPNode()
# we generate a key with the additional filename hello.
public, private = n.genkey(name="hello.txt")
job = n.get(public, async=True, realtime=True, priority=0)
n.put(uri=private, data="Hello Friend!", mimetype="application/octet-stream", realtime=True, priority=0)
mime, data, meta = job.wait()
print public
print data

To check whether we managed to avoid the metadata, we can use the KeyUtils plugin to analyze the key.

If it is right, when putting the key into the text field on the site, you’ll see something like this:

0000000: 4865 6C6C 6F20 4672 6965 6E64 21
         Hello Friend!

Also we want to use realtime mode (optimized for the webbrowser: reacting quickly but with low throughput) with a high priority.

Let’s look at the round trip time we achieve:

import time
import fcp
n = fcp.node.FCPNode()
# we generate two keys with the additional filename hello.
public1, private1 = n.genkey(name="hello1.txt")
public2, private2 = n.genkey(name="hello2.txt")
starttime = time.time()
job1 = n.get(public1, async=True, realtime=True, priority=1)
job2 = n.get(public2, async=True, realtime=True, priority=1)
n.put(uri=private1, data="Hello Friend!",
      realtime=True, priority=1)
mime, data1, meta = job1.wait()
n.put(uri=private2, data="Hello Back!",
      realtime=True, priority=1)
mime, data2, meta = job2.wait()
rtt = time.time() - starttime
print public1
print public2
print data1
print data2
print "RTT (seconds):", rtt

When I run this code, I get less than 80 seconds round trip time. Remember that we’re uploading two files anonymously into a decentralized network, discover them and then download them, and all that in serial. Less than a minute to detect an upload to known key.

90s is not instantaneous, but when looking at usual posting frequencies in IRC and other chat, it’s completely sufficient to implement a chat system. And in fact it’s how FLIP is implemented: IRC over Freenet.

Compare this to the performance when we do not use the short round trip time trick of avoiding the Metadata and using the realtime queue:

import time
import fcp
n = fcp.node.FCPNode()
# we generate two keys with the additional filename hello.
public1, private1 = n.genkey(name="hello1.txt")
public2, private2 = n.genkey(name="hello2.txt")
starttime = time.time()
job1 = n.get(public1, async=True)
job2 = n.get(public2, async=True)
n.put(uri=private1, data="Hello Friend!")
mime, data1, meta = job1.wait()
n.put(uri=private2, data="Hello Back!")
mime, data2, meta = job2.wait()
rtt = time.time() - starttime
print public1
print public2
print data1
print data2
print "RTT (seconds):", rtt

With 300 seconds (5 minutes), that’s more than 3x slower. So you see, if you have small messages and you care about latency, you want to do the latency hacks.

4 Upload Websites: SSK as directory

So now we can upload single files, but the links look a lot like what we see on websites: So can we just mirror a website? The answer is: Yes, definitely!

import fcp
n = fcp.node.FCPNode()
# We create a key with a directory name
public, private = n.genkey() # no filename: we need different ones
index = n.put(uri=private + "index.html",
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
    <title>First Site!</title></head>
  <body>Hello World!</body></html>''')
n.put(uri=private + "style.css", 
      data='body {color: red}\n')
print index

Now we can navigate to the key in the freenet web interface and look at our freshly uploaded website! The text is colored red, so it uses the stylesheet. We have files in Freenet which can reference each other by relative links.

4.1 Multiple directories below an SSK

So now we can create simple websites on an SSK. But here’s a catch: key/hello/hello.txt simply returns key/hello. What if we want multiple folders?

For this purpose, Freenet provides manifests instead of single files. Manifests are tarballs which include several files which are then downloaded together and which can include references to external files - named redirects. They can be uploaded as folders into the key. And in addition to these, there are quite a few other tricks. Most of them are used in freesitemgr which uses fcp/

But we want to learn how to do it ourselves, so let’s do a more primitive version manually via n.putdir():

import os
import tempfile

import fcp
n = fcp.node.FCPNode()
# we create a key again, but this time with a name: The folder of the
# site: We will upload it as a container.
public, private = n.genkey()
# now we create a directory
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="freesite-")
with open(os.path.join(tempdir, "index.html"), "w") as f:
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
    <title>First Site!</title></head>
    <body>Hello World!</body></html>''')

with open(os.path.join(tempdir, "style.css"), "w") as f:
    f.write('body {color: red}\n')

uri = n.putdir(uri=private, dir=tempdir, name="hello", 
               filebyfile=True, allatonce=True, globalqueue=True)
print uri

That’s it. We just uploaded a folder into Freenet.

But now that it’s there, how do we upload a better version? As already said, files in Freenet are immutable. So what’s the best solution if we can’t update the data, but only upload new files? The obvious solution would be to just number the site.

And this is how it was done in the days of old. People uploaded hello-1, hello-2, hello-3 and so forth, and in hello-1 they linked to an image under hello-2. When visitors of hello-1 saw that the image loaded, they knew that there was a new version.

When more and more people adopted that, Freenet added core support: USKs, the updatable subspace keys.

We will come to that in the next part of this series: Service Discovery and Communication.

thetim-tim_moore-flickr-cc_by-2471774514_8c9ed2a7e5_o-276x259.jpg19.79 KB

Use Node:

⚙ Babcom is trying to load the comments ⚙

This textbox will disappear when the comments have been loaded.

If the box below shows an error-page, you need to install Freenet with the Sone-Plugin or set the node-path to your freenet node and click the Reload Comments button (or return).

If you see something like Invalid key: There is no @ in that URI! (Sone/search.html), you need to setup Sone and the Web of Trust

If you had Javascript enabled, you would see comments for this page instead of the Sone page of the sites author.

Note: To make a comment which isn’t a reply visible to others here, include a link to this site somewhere in the text of your comment. It will then show up here. To ensure that I get notified of your comment, also include my Sone-ID.

Link to this site and my Sone ID: sone://6~ZDYdvAgMoUfG6M5Kwi7SQqyS-gTcyFeaNN1Pf3FvY

This spam-resistant comment-field is made with babcom.

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