free speech

50€ for the Freenet Project - and against censorship

As I pledged1, I just donated to freenet 50€ of the money I got back because I cannot go to FilkCONtinental. Thanks go to Nemesis, a proud member of the “FiB: Filkers in Black” who will take my place at the Freusburg and fill these old walls with songs of stars and dreams - and happy laughter.

It’s a hard battle against censorship, and as I now had some money at hand, I decided to do my part (

  1. The pledge can be seen in and in a Sone post in freenet (including a comment thread; needs a running freenet node (install freenet in a few clicks) and the Sone plugin). 

Why free speech does not equal to the right of being heard

→ written in a discussion with Sascha1 in Freenet using Sone.

If free speech included being allowed to force all people to listen, then it would also include my right to force you to listen to everything I say.

Think this on the scale of 6 billion people all using freenet. Every one of them could force you to listen to him/her/it. Whom would you ignore?

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